Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Litany of Thanksgiving
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And the deacon, having uncrossed his orarion and placed it upon his
right shoulder, goeth out by the North door, and standing in the usual
place saith:
The Litany of Thanksgiving
Aright! Having
partaken of the divine, holy,
most pure, immortal,
heavenly, life-creating,
fearful Mysteries of Christ,
let us duly give thanks unto
the Lord.
People: Lord, have mercy.
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Help us, save us, have
mercy on us; and keep us, O
God, by Thy grace.
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Having asked that the
whole day may be perfect,
holy, peaceful, and sinless, let
us commit ourselves and one
another, and all our life unto
Christ our God.
People: To thee, O Lord.
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The deacon standeth before icon of Christ. The priest, having folded
the antiminsion, and holding the Gospel upright, maketh over the
antiminsion the sign of the cross with the Gospel, and layeth it upon
the antiminsion, as he exclaimeth: