Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Second Little Litany - 14 -
The Little Litany
Again and again in
peace let us pray to the Lord.
People: Lord, have mercy
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ïãï+ÿ-: ï?ï+ÿ¦ï©ï+ï¦ïT, ï©ï+ï+ïTï¦ÿ¬ï¦.
Help us, save us, have
mercy on us, and keep us, O
God, by Thy grace.
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Calling to
remembrance our most holy,
most pure, most blessed,
glorious Lady Theotokos and
Ever-Virgin Mary, with all
the Saints, let us commit
ourselves and one another,
and all our life unto Christ
our God.
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After this, the Deacon entereth through the South door, and goeth to the
high place and maketh three metanias, then turneth to face the priest, and
boweth, then goeth to his place beside the priest.
People: To Thee, O Lord.
ïãï+ÿ-: ï-ï¦ï¦ï¦, ï?ï+ÿ¦ï©ï+ï¦ïT.