Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Epistle - 20 -
The Trisagion
While the Trisagion is chanted, the priest saith this prayer:
The Prayer of the Trisagion Hymn
O Holy God, Who restest in the saints, Who
art praised with the thrice-holy hymn by the
Seraphim, and art glorified by the Cherubim, and
art worshiped by all the heavenly hosts, Who from
nonbeing hast brought all things into being, Who
hast created man according to Thine image and
likeness, and hast adorned him with Thine every
gift; Who givest wisdom and understanding to him
that asketh, and Who disdainest not him that
sinneth, but hast appointed repentance unto
salvation; Who hast vouchsafed us, Thy lowly and
unworthy servants, to stand even in this hour
before the glory of Thy holy altar, and to offer the
worship and glory due unto Thee: Do Thou Thyself,
O Master, accept even from the lips of us sinners
the thrice-holy hymn, and visit us in Thy goodness.
Pardon us every sin, voluntary and involuntary;
sanctify our souls and bodies, and grant us to
serve Thee in holiness all the days of our life,
through the intercessions of the holy Theotokos,