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Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Gospel - 22 -
People: Amen. Holy God! Holy Mighty!
Holy Immortal! Have mercy on us
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When this is ended, both the priest and deacon themselves say the
Trisagion Hymn, making together three bows before the Holy Table.
Then the deacon saith to the Priest:
Deacon only:
Command, O Master
And they proceed to the high place; and the priest, as he goeth, saith:
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the
Deacon only:
Bless, Master, the High Throne
And the priest, blessing, sayeth:
Blessed art Thou on the Throne of the glory
of Thy Kingdom, Thou that sittest on the Cherubim:
always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
It is to be noted that it is not proper for the priest to go up onto the
high place, nor to sit thereon, but to sit on the South side of the high
throne. And upon the conclusion of the Trisagion, the deacon, having
come toward the holy doors, saith:
The Epistle
Let us attend!
And the priest exclaimeth: