Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Cherubimic Hymn
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The Second Litany of the Faithful
Again and again, in
peace let us pray to the Lord.
People: Lord, have mercy.
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The Second Prayer of the Faithful
Again and often times we fall down before
Thee, O Good One and Lover of mankind, that,
regarding our supplication, Thou wilt cleanse our
souls and bodies of all defilement of flesh and
spirit, and grant us to stand guiltless and
uncondemned before Thy holy altar. Grant also, O
God, to them that pray with us, advancement in life
and faith and spiritual understanding. Grant them
ever to serve Thee with fear and love, and to
partake, guiltless and uncondemned, of thy Holy
Mysteries, and to be vouchsafed Thy heavenly