Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom Á-? The Great Entrance
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I implore Thee, therefore, Who alone art good and
inclined to listen: Look upon me Thy sinful and
unprofitable servant, and purge my soul and heart
of a wicked conscience, and, by the power of thy
Holy Spirit, enable me, who am clothed with the
grace of the priesthood, to stand before this Thy
Holy Table, and to perform the sacred Mystery of
Thy holy and immaculate Body and precious Blood.
For unto Thee do I draw nigh, bowing my neck, and
I pray Thee: Turn not Thy countenance away from
me, neither cast me out from among Thy children,
but vouchsafe that these gifts be offered unto Thee
by me, Thy sinful and unworthy servant: for Thou
art He that offereth and is offered, that accepteth
and is distributed, O Christ our God, and unto Thee
do we send up glory, together with Thine
unoriginate Father, and Thy most holy and good
and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and unto the
ages of ages.