Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Anaphora
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The deacon moves to stand before the icon of Christ while priest
finisheth the prayer of Proskomedia.
The Prayer of the Proskomedia
O Lord God Almighty, who alone art holy,
Who dost accept a sacrifice of praise from them
that call upon Thee with their whole heart: Accept
also the supplication of us sinners, and bring it to
Thy Holy Altar, and enable us to offer unto Thee
both gifts and spiritual sacrifices for our sins and for
the errors of the people, and vouchsafe us to find
grace before Thee, that our sacrifice may be
acceptable unto Thee, and that the good Spirit of
Thy grace may rest upon us, and upon these Gifts
set forth, and upon all Thy people.
Through the
compassions of Thine Only-
Begotten Son, with Whom
Thou art blessed, together
with Thine most holy and
good and life-creating Spirit:
now and ever, and unto the
ages of ages.
People: Amen.
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The priest faces the people blessing them saying: