Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Anaphora
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Peace be unto all.
People: And to thy spirit.
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The priest turns and faces east and the deacon saith:
Let us love one
another, that with one mind
we may confess:
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People: The Father, and the Son, and the Holy
Spirit: the Trinity, one in Essence and
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And the priest boweth thrice, saying secretly:
I will love thee, O Lord, my strength: the Lord
is my foundation and my refuge.
And he kisseth the Holy Things that are covered, thus: first the top of
the holy diskos, then the top of the holy chalice, and the edge of the
holy table before him.
If there be two priests, or more, then they kiss
all the holy things, and one another on the shoulder. The senior
celebrant saith 'Christ is in our midst' and he that is kissed replieth
'He is and shall be' Likewise the deacons, if there be two or three,
kiss each his own orarion, where the figure of the Cross is, and one
another on the shoulder, saying that which the priests have said. In
like manner the deacon on the ambo boweth, on the place where he
standeth, and kisseth his orarion where the figure of the cross is, and,
then lifting the orarion the deacon says: