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Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Anaphora
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The Second Prayer of the Anaphora
With these blessed hosts, O Master, Lover of
mankind, we also cry aloud and say: Holy art Thou
and most holy, Thou, and Thine only-begotten Son,
and Thy Holy Spirit: holy art Thou and most holy,
and majestic is Thy glory, O Thou Who so loved
Thy world that Thou gavest Thine Only-begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not
perish, but have everlasting life; Who when He had
come and fulfilled all the dispensation for us, on the
night in which He was betrayed, or rather gave
Himself up for the life of the world, took bread in
His holy and most pure and unblemished hands,
and when He had given thanks, and had blessed it,
and hallowed it, and broken it, He gave it to His
holy disciples and apostles, saying:
Take, eat: this is my
Body which is broken for
you, for the remission of sins.
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