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Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Litany Before the Lord's Prayer - 81 -
The priest prayeth:
The Prayer before the Lord's prayer
Unto thee we offer our whole life and hope O
Master, Lover of mankind, and we ask Thee, and
pray Thee, and supplicate Thee, vouchsafe us to
partake of Thy heavenly and dread Mysteries of
this holy and spiritual Table, with a pure
conscience, unto remission of sins, unto pardon of
offenses, unto communion of thy Holy Spirit, unto
inheritance of the kingdom of heaven, unto
boldness towards Thee; not unto judgment, nor
unto condemnation.
The deacon standeth before the Icon of Christ. The priest,
And vouchsafe us, O
Master that with boldness
and without condemnation to
dare to call upon Thee, the
heavenly God as Father, and
to say:
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All make a prostration, if it be a weekday, but not it be Great Feast of
the Lord or the Theotokos.