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Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Litany Before the Lord's Prayer
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Attend, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, out of
Thy holy dwelling place and from the glorious
throne of Thy kingdom, and come and sanctify us,
O thou that sittest with the Father on high, and that
invisibly abidest here with us: and vouchsafe by
Thy strong right hand to impart unto us Thy most
pure Body and precious Blood, and through us to
all the people.
While this prayer is being said, the deacon, standing before the holy
doors, girdeth himself with his orarion cruciformly.

(Some gird themselves during the Lord's prayer.)

Then the priest boweth and likewise the deacon, on the place where
he standeth, while saying secretly thrice:
O God, cleanse me a sinner, and have
mercy upon me.
And when the deacon seeth the priest stretch out his hands and
touch the Holy Bread in order to make the holy elevation, he
Let us attend!