Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Elevation
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And the deacon goeth into the holy altar, and standing at the right
hand of the priest who holdeth the Holy Bread saith:
Deacon only:
Break the Holy Bread, Master.
And the priest, breaking it into four parts with attentiveness and
reverence, saith:
Broken and distributed is the Lamb of God,
broken, yet not divided; ever eaten, though never
consumed, but sanctifying them that partake
The deacon, pointing to the holy chalice with his orarion saith:
Deacon only:
Fill the holy chalice, Master.
The priest, taking the portion which lieth at the top, that is IC, maketh
a cross over the holy chalice therewith, saying:
The fullness of the Holy Spirit.
and thus he placeth it in the holy chalice.
And taking the warm water, he saith to the Priest:
Deacon only:
Bless the warm water, Master.
The priest blesseth it, saying:
Blessed is the fervor of Thy saints, always, now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
And the deacon poureth cruciformly into the holy chalice whatever is
sufficient, saying: