Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - The Communion of the people
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He wipeth the holy diskos with the holy sponge exceedingly well, with
attentiveness and reverence, saying these words:
By Thy precious Blood, O Lord, wash away
the sins of those here commemorated, through the
intercessions of Thy saints.
The priest blesseth the people, exclaiming:
Save, O God, thy
people and bless thine
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And the priest turneth back to the Holy Table, and censeth it thrice,
saying secretly:
Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens,
and Thy glory above all the earth.
And the people chanteth:
People: We have seen the true light, we have
received the heavenly Spirit; we have found
the true faith, worshiping the indivisible
Trinity: for He hath saved us
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The deacon taketh the censer from the priest and holdeth it with his
right hand. The Priest taketh the holy diskos, placeth it on the
deacon's head, and the deacon receiveth it with reverence; looking
out through the doors, saying nothing, he crosseth the holy table
between the holy doors and the back of the priest and goeth to the
table of oblation, and placeth it thereon. The priest boweth, and
taketh the holy chalice, and turning to the doors, looking toward the
people, he saith secretly: